

One Step at a Time

  • Media owner pmjames
  • Date added
After a lot of rain our golf course is looking great, if a bit overgrown!
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I combined the Artsy Layered Template from the Artplay Patience Collection with the coordinating ArtsyKardz and ArtsyTransfers, now in store.

Artplay Patience Collection
Artsy Kardz Patience Multipack
Artsy Transfers Patience

Process I opened the Patience Artsy Layered Template and placed a solid paper on top of the background layer. Three copies of the focal image were added and set to different blending modes (Hard Light, Darker Color and Screen at 26%). The colour of some layers of the template were adjusted to better suit my image. A supporting image was added to the page set to a Linear Burn blending mode and further blended with a Layer Mask and Brushes. Some layers from the ArtsyKardz and ArtsyTransfers files were placed in the background before a photo and ArtsyKardz were clipped to the frames which were slightly enlarged and moved to a different position. A cluster of dimensional elements and a title were added.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Watching our golf courses green up but I don't play I just but When they are green I will see the flowers bloom. Patience has nice soft spring colors
Sorry about the golf, but happy you got outside in the gorgeous scenery. And may I suggest you find a fabric butterfly and sew it to that hat? It would be a very cool look! PS: Congrats on the Standing O!
Sorry about the golf, but happy you got outside in the gorgeous scenery. And may I suggest you find a fabric butterfly and sew it to that hat? It would be a very cool look! PS: Congrats on the Standing O!
Thank you so much❤

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Anna Aspnes
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86.5 KB
600px x 600px

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