

I made a mask :)

I followed Kythe's instructions in the blog to make my first mask. It's a bit too curved on one side - I used a couple of bird brushes that I got from Brusheezy plus some brushes from Lynne Anzelc's Outback kit.
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I used some brushes in the centre but can't remember which they were. I will have to write them down in future. I also used Affinity so the process was a little different at the end as I needed to get the transparent background before clipping the mask to the photo. For a first try I'm quite chuffed with it. Thank you Kythe and Vicki.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Lynne Anzelc Designs
  2. Vicki Robinson Designs
You rocked it! Easy aren't they and a bit habit forming. Love what you did.
I've made another 2 since - the third one was best so I'm improving The technique at the end is a little different with Affinity but it wasn't too hard to figure it out. Thank you for the tutorial. X

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Vicki Robinson Designs
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Mask example small.jpg
File size
946.7 KB
Date taken
Tue, 23 February 2021 10:14 PM
864px x 864px

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