

ArtsaleNeige Frozen

  • Media owner dwsewbiz
  • Date added
On top of too-much snow for Portland came an ice storm which looked pretty but knocked out a lot of power.
Credits list
ArtPlay Neige Collection on sale for 1 week from 2/17
Winter Word Art Mix No 1
FotoInspired Template Pack 2Q
ArtPlay Remarkable (circle frame)
Embellishments from APP Glacial (brown flower, recolored), Month Review Template Album 5 (calendar), ArtPlay MiniPalette Calescent (pink flower and label word), Urban Threadz 13, Button Threadz 4
Large photos were blended using Snowy FotoBlendz 3 included in te ArtPlay Neige Collection on sale. Smaller photos clipped to frames from APP Neige, APP Remarkable (circle) and FotoInspired Template pages. The photo of the church was duplicated twice and set to Overlay mode to pop the green street sign (with the rest of the duplicates erased so only the sign pops). The photo of the camelias on the far right was set to Hard Light, the duplicated and set to Hard Light.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
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Reactions: zlemon
de très belles photos de cette période ! C'est le temps idéal pour rester à la maison, bien au chaud, pour faire du scrap !
Hope you were not long with out power and I love this double spread.
Thanks you! Almost 24 hours, which was long enough! We huddled around the gas fireplace and were able to cook on the gas stove and I finished 2 books before it got dark :-)
Love those frozen branches! Of course, we are, in comparison, experiencing a heatwave with lows only getting into the low 40s. Hope you are finding ways to stay warm!
Love that you've documented this. I'm sure you're among the best at resilience, innovation and coping. We had 16 below and Mr. Stone decided he wanted bragging rights for cooking our bacon and eggs outside just like every other day while it snowed. We got 5 inches. :rolleyes:
Beautiful frozen branches, winter sometimes has its charms, I hope the shrubs have no damage, that would be a waste, the photos are great, gorgeous pages!

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Anna Aspnes
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92.9 KB
600px x 371px

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