Quelque photos prises par mon fils cette semaine.
Le BHV prpare Nol et a dcid nous transporter en Italie avec ses vitrines.
(The BHV prepares christmas and has decided to transport us to Italy with its windows
Night falls earlier and earlier, the sign that Christmas is approaching and with it,
the traditional Christmas store showcase contest.The result,
Italian products highlighted in the famous Christmas showcases, showcasing
scenes with animated wooden puppets, including the most famous Italian puppet,
Pinocchio.Car before being popularized by a Walt Disney cartoon in 1940,
Pinocchio was founded in 1881 by the Italian journalist and writer Carlo Collodi.
Pinocchio is not the only star of the BHV Marais Christmas 2020 showcases.
A cat and a bird also evolve in settings, between table arts, for Christmas Eve,
and toy-making workshop. All richly decorated with fir trees and luminous garlands.) tout AnnaAspnes