
Bon Nol  toutes !!!

Bon Nol toutes !!!

(l'pidmie de Cornavirus bouleverse notre socit et nos habitudes. Beaucoup de nos proches sont loigns de nous, sans que nous puissions les voir. C'est le moment de leur dire de prendre soin de leur personne, de se mnager, et que vous pensez eux.
J'en profite pour vous souhaiter toutes de Bonnes Ftes de Nol.)

he Cornavirus epidemic is upsetting our society and our habits.
Many of our loved ones are far from us, without us being able to see them.
It's time to tell them to take care of themselves, to take care of themselves, and you think of them.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas.

tout AnnaAspnes
Merry Christmas to you, Nicole! A beautiful page, love the use of the frame and the layering!
Une page de Nol fantastique, je l'aime beaucoup Nicole!

Malgr le virus corona mchant, je vous souhaite de trs belles journes de Nol!
Wonderful design! Thank you for sharing! I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Belle et originale page !
Bonnes fetes de fin d'anne... malgr tout ce que nous vivons cette anne
So very true, and your page is so beautiful and expresses hope, health, and kindness for a better year ahead. Merry Christmas to you and I wish you good health and happiness in the New Year.
Merry Christmas to you and yours. Hopefully in 2021 we will all have a fresh start and be with our families again.
A wonderful design and greeting. I love how the torn paper leads the eye to the tree and the message. It's hard right now but at least new we see things are going to improve in 2021. Happy Christmas to you!

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Anna Aspnes
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