

Amidst Magic

  • Media owner musicmom3
  • Date added
Fotoblendz Overlays #17 **new** https://www.oscraps.com/shop/FotoBlendz-Overlays-No.-17.html

Artsy Layered Template #15 (retired)
Amidst Artplay Palette https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Amidst.html
Autumn WordART Mix No. 3 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Autumn-WordART-Mix-No.-3.html
Painted Leaves No 3 brushes https://www.oscraps.com/shop/PaintedLeaves-No.-3.html

Photoshop Elements 14
A page documenting my daughter's and spouse's new venture, a market in Woodstock. After a celebration on their deck after signing the lease, they went right into demolition and renovation.

In direct contrast to the energy of the kids, I took a lazy approach to this page, using the template as is (it came with the stitching and word transfer and title), then clipping the construction photo to the big Fotoblendz overlay under most of the template layers. To make things even easier, I copied the way the elements from the Artplay Palette were arranged on the preview thumbnail to create the cluster. The painted leaves added bits of color here and there.
I've said it before, you're a master in making these pages, I love it all, the stitched circles over the glasses looks great, a fantastic page!

Thanks for your kind words Laura, that means a lot to me!
Great documentation of this brave and exciting endeavor. Love the way the focus is on the celebration and the stitching and leaves is the perfect framing for the drinks.
This is so exciting, love the way you are telling the story with a variety of photos!
An exciting venture for them! Love the cocktail glasses. Congrats to them!
Congratulations! Your project has been featured on todays Gallery Standout Blog: http://gallerystandouts.com/fingerpointing/2020/finger-pointing-october-19th-6/
Great documentation of a momentous occasion! I like the stitched focus on the beverages. Congrats on your GSO!

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Anna Aspnes
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