
Heather Prins

Autumn Feels

*NEW* from Anna Aspnes
Stitched Template Album No 1Stitched Template Album No 1
**FREE with $20 Purchase Offer** ArtPlay MiniPalette DeciduousArtPlay MiniPalette Deciduous

Also Used:
ArtPlay Palette Feuillemort ArtPlay Palette Feuillemort
ArtPlay Autumn Rust ArtPlay Autumn Rust
ArtPlay Palette Flock ArtPlay Palette Flock

Process | I began with the modifying the Stitched Template. I enlarged one of the masks and duplicated the stitching. Then, I clipped my photos to the masks and added the dark, contrasting background paper. I used WordArt for my title applying a stroke and shadow) and placed a few shadowed elements around the layout.
Ahh I love these photos!! The one on the lower right is incredible! Love your stitching repetition and everything against the dark background!

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Anna Aspnes
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Heather Prins
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