

The Haircut

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Scenic Template Album 1 (page 4) Scenic Template Album 1
Artplay Palette Ordinaire (paper) Artplay Palette Ordinaire
Artplay Palette Axiom (label word, button) Artplay Palette Axiom
Artsy Transfers Ordinare Artsy Transfers Ordinare
Warm Glows 5 Warm Glows 5
Urban Stitchez 13 Urban Stitchez 13

Page 4 from Scenic Template Album 1 was opened up. A solid paper from APP Ordinarie was used as the foundation of the page. The frames and threadz were turned off. The large image was clipped to the fotoblendz mask (recolored the same as the background paper). The photo was clipped to an in inverted layer mask. With a soft white brush the image was brushed back in. Stains, splatters, textures, and transfers from AT Ordinaire, along with foto glows were layered under the large fotoblendz mask. Images from the internet were added along with text and dimensional embellishments.

Thank you for looking!
Laughing myself silly now... yup that's what we did... it made a horrible mess on the bedding too... I love your creative style here... brought back such fun memories... now I'm going from a short cut that I've worn for years to the COVID hair that hasn't been cut since Feb... not attractive... oh the things we do... thanks for the memories Miki ;}
Laughing myself silly now... yup that's what we did... it made a horrible mess on the bedding too... I love your creative style here... brought back such fun memories... now I'm going from a short cut that I've worn for years to the COVID hair that hasn't been cut since Feb... not attractive... oh the things we do... thanks for the memories Miki ;}
What a pretty little girl! A wonderful page with this retro advertisement!
Love your use of the new album! Funny, brings back memories of me putting on Dippity-Do and sleeping on some empty beer cans for large rollers ugh!
Hilarious story! I didn't know girls had DA's. I don't remember any where we lived, but my older brother had one, and, he used Vaseline. Cute photo. Great design.
What a hilarious story and the use of Tide to remove the vaseline--unbelievable. Cutest photo of you!!
What a great story! Born to be free and ride that bike and choose your own haircut :-) My mom would have yelled, too.

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Anna Aspnes
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