

Go With The Flow

  • Media owner trish6150
  • Date added
New Product coming soon...

Another fav product of Anna's is her splatters, I love to do something
abstract with them. So with Splatters 9, I started with a 12 x 12 page white
background so I could see where I added them and used pretty well all the splatters from the product.

I then started moving them around till I got the arrangement I liked. I then duplicated this group again and moved it
upside down and to the bottom of the other one.

Once I had them in the right spot, I grabbed one of my recently
manipulated colour images and clipped it to all the splatter layers (which I had grouped together), I used (CTRL + ALT + G) to
clip the layer. I repeated this on the second group of splatters and moved the image around to get the colours
as I wanted them.

I thought it looked a bit boring so decided to make it pop by changing the background to black by selecting
the background layer and pressing ALT + Backspace keys.
I did add one other splatter and moved it to the right of the other two splatter groups and changed it to white via - Edit - Fill
and selected Colour and picked white.
Finally I added wording from AASPN_AutumnWordARTMix4 and also duplicated this so it was a bit darker as it couldn't be seen because
of it being black on a black background I changed it to an orange to match one of the colours in the splatters. I did this via
Edit - Fill and selected Colour option.


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Anna Aspnes
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