

Storm's End

ArtPlay Palette RainowArtPlayPaletteRainbow
MultiMedia Rainbow No. 1MultiMdiaRainbows
Rainbow FotoBlendz No. 1RainbowFotoBlendzNo.1
Rainbow WordART Mix No. 1RainbowWordARTMixNo.1
DifferentStrokes No. 5 (Retired)
PaperTextures No. 2 (Retired)

Notes: Artsy paper 4 as the foundation and bringing in the photo, positioning it at the bottom of the page and using a layer mask and Gradient Tool, got rid of the hard top edge of the photo. The photo is on Normal blend mode.

Over these layers I placed the fotoblendz and clipping a copy of the photo to the main mask of the set and blending the mask to Dolor Dodge. I went through the rest of the layers of the set, I colored the textures from the photo and palette and blended each layer. I also put the glows on different blend modes to enhance the mood. At this point the splatters, art stroke and word art transfer was added to the page.

The MM Rainbow was placed and another word art transfer was added in the mix and blended. The paper texture runs across the photo towards the bottom of the page. Different strokes brushes are at the MM.

Using a stroke action on the word art and finally a little label was added to hold the word art to the page. I think that just about covers it.
gorgeous - I love the wide open spaces of the West! cool WA with the stroke - love the lighting in the photo!
dramatic page, fantastic photo and atmosphere. apocalyptic mood with a touch of hope, sunshine and wink in the eye.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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