


4-16-20: Time for our bi-weekly shopping. While grocery shopping this lady kept telling us "6 feet", we couldn't figure out what she meant, we kept our distance from everyone. I wonder if she meant Jim and I should be 6 ft apart??? With that being said, wearing the bandana I felt like a bandit ready to rob the place. I also had trouble breathing with it on and was getting hot and felt I was beginning to hyperventilate. I was so releaved to get outside and pull the bandana down so I could breath again. After grocery shopping we went to Target to get some personal hygiene and household items. I made it to the checkout counter and had to have Jim finish the packing of items while I stepped out to get some fresh air. I hope the masks we ordered come soon, not sure if I can take wearing the bandana again.

I know what you mean, I've had similar experiences wearing a mask, feeling like I could hardly breathe. Love the way you captured this!
Love the red! On you and on your page. I found red buffs with a bandana paisley pattern online but they went fast.
Love the journaling! Know what you mean ... I have a list and split it with my husband so that we can go twice as fast. But he's always adding to it. Last time we had 24 rolls of toilet paper and 5 bags of potato chips when we checked out. Great page!
Love this amazing page Fran, the photo tells us what's going on in the world! The journaling is gorgeous!
great documentation... yup, I did my o'dark early Safeway run this morning... I have asthma so breathing with the mask is an adventure for me too... felt like I needed to cough to get air but knew if I did I would be banished from the store... in and out quickly...
you captured the reality of life right now...
Totally can identify with your concerns. Masks are not a problem for me since being a nurse for 40 years, but I understand. At least you were stylish appearing,lol. And this too shall pass, as Mom used to tell me.Love the color palette .
Super visuals here and also wonderful storytelling. We have a variety of cloth masks and some are more comfortable than others. Wearing a face covering certainly takes a lot of getting used to...psychologically for me as well as physically. You guys make a nice coordinated pair and I love the color palette of the page.

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Anna Aspnes
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