

Typical Antics

Journaling: Birdwatching is serious business to Maxwell, so dont get in his way, dont even talk to him, he will pay no attention. Hes on a mission with complete focus. He follows the birds in the yard from window to window in the house, jumping on anything, including the bookcase pictured here, with single mindedness and the tip of his tail twitching. He is completely in his own world.

ArtPlay Palette OrdinaireArtPlayPaletteOrdinaire
MultiMedia Flowers No. 7MultiMediaFlowersNo.7
Everyday WordART Mix No. 1EverydayWordARTMixNo.1
FramedMasks No. 6FramedMasksNo.6
Take Flight No. 3TakeFlightNo.3
ThinStrip Masks No. 2ThinStripsMasksNo.2
Edges No. 1EdgesNo.1
ArtStrokeValuePack No. 1ArtStrokeValuePackNo.1
ButtonThreadz No. 3ButtonThreadzNo.3

Notes: After opening a new 12x12 file and bringing in the framed mask and photo, I moved the fotoblendz mask up in the layers panel over the frame and clipped the resized photo to it. I also clipped a copy of the photo to the frame mask. With layer mask I eliminated the parts of the frame that were peeking through the fotoblendz mask as well as the shadow for it. I grouped these layers.

I liked the look of artsy paper 2 the best for this page, although all the papers worked. I went back to the textures and stains of the framed mask and changed the colors. Underneath the grouped clipping set are the thin strip masks with papers clipped to them and edges added along with a brush from the kit to give it some texture. Over the strips is a label and the boxed art stroke.

The MM Flowers were added in their entirety in-between the framed mask and thin strip masks. I changed the blend mode of one of the glows. I added the little purple flower and bow to it, not that Maxwell is a bow kind of guy.

Just above the foundation layer are the take flight birds and art stroke. Along the left edge is a word art transfer blended with the fill opacity turned down. The work art title was added along with the branch, torn paper tucked underneath with Maxwells named typed on it. The journaling was added and I believe that finished the page.
What a great composition Barbara, Maxwell is so beautiful and sweet, love all youve added on this awesome page!
Beautiful page you can see the concentration in Maxwell's eyes and how focused he is I love the design with the masking the textures and the effects tfs.Standing O for you.
Sounds like Maxwell is adjusting better, glad to hear it. All he needed was a good distraction :-) Really fun composition you've created around him, all boxed in and totally focused :-)
gorgeous photo and page ... thank you for the process notes ... so interesting to read ... great idea to clip a paper on the thin strip .. I have to remember this ...

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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