

Excuse Me

  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
AnnaRelease 13 March 2015 - https://www.oscraps.com/shop/AnnaRelease-13-March-2015.html
ArtsyTransfers Daffodil - https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtsyTransfers-Daffodil.html
Inspiration - Spring makes me think of all the birds returning to my feeder and the crabtree blooming.
New Document - I created a new 12X12 page.
Papers- I added Solid Paper 3 to the background.
ArtsyTransfer - Added ArtsyTransfers 2 and 3 to the page to form areas to place photos.
Frames - Placed UrbanThreads Frames 1.2, 1.5 and 1.7 on the page to form a visual triangle.
Photos - Used three photos of birds in my flowering crab tree in the spring. Attached them to the photo mask part of the frame using Layer>Create Clipping Mask Layer.
Multimedia - For accent I placed Multimedia Spring 1.4 so the flower is peaking out between the photos.
Elements - Placed the three versions of the Acrylic word Spring over each of the photos. Added the green ribbon to one of the corners of the photos.
Wordart - Used the wordart Excuse me, is spring coming soon?
Congrats your layout was a gallery standout! http://gallerystandouts.com/fingerpointing/2020/finger-pointing-march-12th-6/
This is so pretty! I like the pops of yellow and green and the way you wrapped your photos. Congratulations on your GSO!

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Anna Aspnes
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