Anna Aspnes Designs
FotoInspired Templates 2M - 12
aA Classic Release Coming March 11
APP Daffodil
APP Daffodil Artsy Transfers
Multimedia Spring 1
UrbanThreadz Framed No. 1
FotoInspired Templates 2M-12 provides the layout for this design. APP Daffodil Artsy paper 2 is the base. Solid papers were clipped to the slim vertical frame set. This provided a ground for Multimedia Spring 1 Artsy Flower. A photo was clipped to mask 2 of the template. Artsy Transfer 4 replaced mask 6 and a photo was clipped to it. Mask 1 was removed. A photo was placed in this area with a layer mask to blend it into the ground. UrbanThreadz Framed No. 1 replaced the center frame for the accents and title.
Thank you for looking!