
AnnaLift 03/07/20 - 03/20/20 -  Contemporain art

AnnaLift 03/07/20 - 03/20/20 - Contemporain art

credits all aaspn

A large-scale artistic shock makes Arles the Roman vibrate.
Luma Arles is an artistic and cultural complex project produced by the Luma Foundation by Maja Hoffmann, in Arles.
The city aims to rise to the rank of the most major world cultural capitals.

The architecture of the place was designed by Franck Gehry.
Frank Gehry is an American-Canadian architect. Its constructions are generally noticed for their original and "twisted" appearance". His many creations, including his own residence, have become tourist attractions worldwide.

Une secousse artistique de grande ampleur fait vibrer Arles la romaine.
Luma Arles est un projet de complexe artistique et culturel ralis par la Fondation Luma de Maja Hoffmann, Arles.
la ville a pour ambition de se hisser au rang des plus
grandes capitales culturelles mondiales.

L'architecture du lieu a t conue par Franck Gehry.
Frank Gehry est un architecte amricano-canadien.
Ses constructions sont gnralement remarques pour leur aspect original et tordu
Ses nombreuses crations, y compris sa propre rsidence, sont devenues des attractions touristiques au niveau mondial.
Absolutely amazing. Loving the sketch effect. Thanks for the sweet wishes too. I adore your art.
Love the phototreatment ... amazing structure and thank you for the info about the building ..

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Anna Aspnes
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