Journaling: Theres nothing like moving to make you appreciate and bring back memories of the things you own. To make you look at them with fresh eyes. Back in the 70s I went to a home decor party and fell in love with this planter. I had to think about it a little before I ordered, because it was expensive. $10.00. It was a good size and very solid and heavy. As the party progressed, I couldnt let go of it and there wasnt anything else that caught my eye and I wanted to support the person giving the party. I couldnt wait for it to arrive, I was excited. I showed off my purchase to my family, who looked at it with blank looks on their faces and speechless. They hated it. Well, I didnt care, not one bit. Obviously they had no taste. Since then, my daughter has grown up and has her own family and her Father and it are divorced, but I still have my beloved planter. Over the years, my beautiful planter had many a different potted plant in it and its outlasted them all. I still love it to this day and now it resides in my office with an asparagus fern growing in it.
AnnaRelease 19 February 2016
ArtPlay Palette Euphoria
Framed Masks No. 1
MultiMedia Spring No. 3
Happiness WordART No. 3
Additional Supplies:
ArtPlay Palette Magoa (Love Label)
Inkling WordART Mix No. 1
NoteBook No. 2
ArtPlay Palette Family (staples)
Notes: Starting with solid paper 4 and bringing in and positioning two masks from the Framed Masks, clipped color copies of the photo to them. To these photos I clipped and blended black and white copies that Threshold adjustment was used and blended and slightly offset. The masks were also blended. These layers were grouped. The round and rectangle framed masks were brought in, positioned and resized and photos were clipped to those with copies made and blended, also grouped.
Underneath the large photo is a transfer and word art. Various brushes and overlays were added. The MM Spring was placed along with the word art title and journaling added. The staples and little house attached to the round frame finished the page.