My photos from Calan and I playing in the snow yesterday. He didn't want to go out. Finally, he put on one of his mittens and one of mine and told me he was ready!

We put on the rest of our Winter gear. Once outside he had no intention of ever going in again. So much fun watching the littles explore new horizons.
What a fun AnnaLift thanks to Diane for the inspiration! Great choice, Christy! I lifted the movement across the page and the color palette.
ArtPlay Palette Glacial
ArtsyTransfers Glacial (branch, pinecone, transfers, and brushes)
MultiMedia Winter No. 2
Silver Snowflakes
12x12 Scratched Edge Overlay No. 1_2
ArtPlay Palette Blitzen (Brushes 4 and 10)
ArtPlay Mint Blizzard (Brush12)
Taped Textures No. 5_5 (placed on tree trunk)
Winter WordMix No. 1_3
Winter WordART No. 1_10
Process: Opened Glacial Artsy Paper 1. Processed photos with Waterlogue app. Applied Darken blending mode to each photo and erased unwanted area with a soft brush. Arranged images on background paper. Selected a variety of layers from all of the ArtsyTransfers Glacial and positioned to create interest and texture. For the snowflakes drifting off the top of the page on the right, applied Color Burn blending mode to MultiMedia Winter 2_4 and duplicated. Recolored upper left Mint Blizzard snowflake brush, WordART, Blitzen brushes, and Glacial Brush 3 with white or color. To RECOLOR brushes: Recolor the layer via Edit> Fill> Color> Color Picker Tool> OK. (Ensure the Preserve Transparency box is checked.)
Finished with WordART, snowflakes, branch, and pinecones.