
AnnaColor Challenge 01.03.2020 - 01.16.2020

AnnaColor Challenge 01.03.2020 - 01.16.2020

Roscoff, is a French commune of Lon located on the north coast of Brittany, in the department of Finistre.
Former haven of privateers and then smugglers, from where the Johnnies left to sell their pink onions,
Roscoff, approved "small town of character1",
is a small seaside town which has preserved its architectural heritage from the 16th and 17th centuries.
Its deep water port, served by Irish Ferries and Brittany Ferries, which has its headquarters there,
provides a ferry connection to the British Isles and Spain.
tout Anna Aspnes.
Beautiful .. love the color of the hydrangea against the color of the building ...
Great blending!
Your page is so beautiful! Love the soft grey and pinks together. The history of the area is very interesting.
Une page grande, les fleurs sont si belles, une grande photo mlange, superbe Nicole!
Superb cropping/masking of this lovely photo grouping! I would love to see this in person some day! A charming response to the challenge, Nicole!

Superbe recadrage / masquage ou ce joli regroupement de photos! J'aimerais voir a en personne un jour! Une rponse charmante au dfi, Nicole!
Beautiful pictures and color! Love the blended photo and the detailed shots, plus that wonderful hydrangea!
Superbe Nicole ... je ne peux qu'aimer ton choix et ta conception de mise en page : SUPERBE !
The placement of the pink cluster is terrific, brightening the layout and adding so much motion to the photos. I also like your placement of the text element as a photo mat. Wonderful travel documentation!

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Anna Aspnes
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