

New Altered Book

  • Media owner musicmom3
  • Date added
Rococo miniPalette **free with purchase of the complete Verdure release before the upcoming Black Friday Sales Event, or with $20 purchase during the sale**

Photoshop Elements 14

A page about starting a new mixed-media altered book project, using a quick and easy drag-and-drop collage method that I'll be sharing in an upcoming tutorial
ooh I've always admired altered books, but haven't tried it (I can't quite bring myself to put knife to book :-)) Looking forward to the tutorial! Love the grunginess, and that perfect exacto :-)
Looking forward to the tutorial. Love the angle of the exacto blade across the top of the page.
Fabulousgreat to include the tools used in the altering process. Love the many pages and the texture on the word art
Ohhh! I love this, and making an altered book sounds exciting. I've made one, and would love to make another, so I can't wait for your tutorial!
J'adore votre page, les livres et votre fabuleux mlange me plait beaucoup Laura, jattends avec impatience votre tuto.
Love this! Looking forward to the tutorial! Would love to try some mix media art!
Beautiful..one of my passions and gifts that I bestow upon friends and family,altered books and journals. The hobby is a win win

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Anna Aspnes
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