

Best Moment

  • Media owner Joansmor
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ArtPlay Palette Festal https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Festal.html
MultiMedia Branches No. 8 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/MultiMedia-Branches-No.-8.html
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Artsy Layered Template No. 238 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Artsy-Layered-Template-No.-238.html
eA Words No. 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/eA-Words-No.-1.html

Inspiration - looking through my photos, I found various butterfly pictures and decided to go with them.

I am trying something new here. I love organizing things in such a way that it makes it easier to use, whether it be my files, my photos, or whatever. So I have decided to create a master template of how I create my pages so I can slip in and out the supplies and a few changes. I approach my pages the same way and progress through the creation following this plan in my mind. So if you don't like this new approach, let me know.

Start - Open Artsy Template 238
Photos - added photos to frames using Layer>Create Clipping Mask. Extracted a butterfly from another picture, which I added above the Frames, and applied a drop shadow.
Template layers - fill with color using Edit>Fill and experiment with opacity and blending modes
Elements - added the Leaf and Multimedia Branch 8.5 to the page. I choose to place the Leaf over one of the layers because it had a point that matched up with the Leaf. I but the branch on top, though I removed the star as I didn't feel it fit with my page.
Transfer - used Transfer-5 with Blend Mode - Linear Light and an Opacity of 57.
Brushes- used Spackle brush 5.3 because I thought it resembled a heart and placed it under the stand-alone butterfly, and Brush 5.5 above the frames to help with the containment of the Frames that I was establishing.
Wordart- found the Wood Wort Best and then used Moment for eAWords. I used the Cloning too to extend the light area on the Layer below the word Moment so it would stand out better.
Journaling - I used the Irish Blessing about butterflies.
Love the butterflies, especially how you extracted and pleased the butterfly on the frame. Love the Irish Blessing too. Awesome work

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