

Color Me Happy

Journaling: Not only color me happy, color me ecstatic! I am finding myself bursting with gratitude for my new town and home. In fact, I find my blessings so much bigger than I am, like I cant contain them in my body. Ive never in my whole life felt this way. Even in the most everyday mundane choirs like grocery shopping, paying bills, etc., I am bursting with joy because of my new, freeing surroundings. And unbelievably, its growing larger by the day. I have a totally different view from my windows with a real horizon line that I appreciate and adore so much. No more am I imprisoned by claustrophobic, dark mountains, closing in on me. Light has come into my life at last!

ArtPlay Palette PrismaticArtPlayPalettePrismatic
Prismatic FotoBlendz No. 1PrismaticFotoBlendzNo.1
MultiMedia Documents No. 5MultiMediaDocumentsNo.5
ColorColour WordART Mix No. 1ColorColourWordARTMixNo.1
PaperTextures No. 1 (Retired)
PaperTextures No. 6PaperTexturesNo.6

Notes: After opening a new 12x12 file, bringing in the photo and psd Prismatic clipping mask, I duplicated the photo twice, clipping to the main parts. I resized the main mask a little to better suit the photo. Using a Prismatic brush and taking the blue from the sky, I stamped it over the layers. I used all the layers of the psd mask except for the bottom stain. I moved and blended the glows from the mask to accent the photo better. I put all these layers in a group.

Using artsy paper 4 as the background, I built up the page with layers of transfers to lead the eye around to the journaling, which I had copy and pasted into the page. I added the title and used one of the new Photoshop styles on it.

Paper textures were placed at the left edge and left middle of the page along with an art stroke from the kit. I layered the leaves one on top of the other and dated the page at the left edge in blue. That finished the page.
Glad you are having a positive experience with your move. I have thought you must experience more darkness living at the base of the mountains. This is a lovely page.
I am SOOOO happy for you Barb! You explained it so beautifully (our recent move opened up a whole new world as you've described). Such a beautiful page of colors and paper textures. I adore the leaves cluster, and paper crease with the mountains in the background. Enjoy your new "light"! It's so uplifting.
Wow! It looks so wonderful!
Standing O...
I'm glad you are experiencing such joy in your new surroundings. The bright colors area fabulous. Congrats on your Standing O!
Beautiful! Wonderful texture and color! Love the leaves! This is your happy place now!
Great to see you in the gallery, Barb! So very happy for you and your new view! Gorgeous page...congrats on the Standing O!
Le cadre de vie compte beaucoup pour notre moral. Contente pour vous pour ce changement positif.
Trs belle page lumineuse.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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