

Autumn - Budapest

  • Media owner margeda
  • Date added
**AnnaRelease 25 October 2019** AnnaRelease25Oct19
ArtPlay Palette Prismatic_SolidPaper4;EdgeOverlay1;LeafRed APPPrismatic
Prismatic FotoBlendz No. 1_3 PrismaticFotoBlendzNo1
MultiMedia Documents No. 5_1 MMDocumentsNo5
Color/colour WordART Mix No. 1_WALiveLife ColorWordARTMixNo1

You have opened a new document. SolidPaper pulled it. | Added by layered FotoBlendz. | You opened the photo. He made two copies of it. The original was clipped on the FB mask. The copies were clipped on FB stains. | Added by MM Documents No.5_1. Most of the layers are placed below the bottom layer of FotoBlendz. | The MM frame and frame shadow placed it above Fotoglow green. | Added by EdgeOverlay, placed by LeafRed. | Opened and placed by WA, tinted to the color of the burgundy leaf. | Attached LeafRed to the frame with a seam element in MMDocuments. | He stepped back into the Frame layer. Opened a new layer. Tinted it to WA. Deleted the frame within the frame using a layer mask. Changed layer blending to Soft Light.
(I changed the properties of some layers in the process. Size, blending, visibility.)

Thanks for looking!
I do not speak English. I'm using Google Translator - sorry! I will answer your question!
, ez elbvl, Margo! A kp gynyr kiterjesztse a keret felett, s imdom a kk rintst!

Oh, this is charming, Margo! Beautiful extension of the photo beyond the frame and I love that touch of blue!
Such a lovely and inviting page... would love to be strolling down the street on a fall day.

Egy ilyen kedves s meghv oldal ... szeretne egy szi napon stlni az utcn.

google translate... ;)
I love how you framed the photo with the tree that can't be contained, and the texture on the photo.

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Anna Aspnes
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