
AnnaColor challenge du 10/18/2019- 10/31/2019

AnnaColor challenge du 10/18/2019- 10/31/2019

Construite en 1609 pour le compte du marchand Anton Burger, la Maison des Ttes est attribue larchitecte Albert Schmidt,galement auteur de lancien presbytre protestant et de la maison dite des Chevaliers de Saint Jean.
La Maison des Ttes, bel difice de la Renaissance allemande, doit son nom aux cent-six ttes ou masques grotesques qui ornent une riche faade sur laquelle slve un oriel de trois tages. Le pignon de ldifice dcor de volutes et dailerons, est surmont
de la statue dun Tonnelier (1902), uvre dAuguste Bartholdiqui rpondait une commande de la Bourse aux vins qui stait installe dans limmeuble en 1898.
La vraie histoire culinaire de la Maison des Ttes dbute en 1901 avec la crationdu restaurant des Ttes , dirig par Gustave Ehretsmann puis repris par la famille Edel-Graff. Au dcs de son pre en 1929, Fritz Edel poursuit laffaire jusquen 1980.
La Maison change alors nouveau de visage pour prendre celui de la famille Rohfritsch qui investira en 1996 dans la restauration des btiments et ladjonction dun htel.

(Built in 1609 for the merchant Anton Burger, the House of Heads is attributed to the architect Albert Schmidt, also author of the former Protestant presbytery and the house known as the Knights of Saint John.
The House of the Heads, a beautiful building of the German Renaissance, owes its name to one hundred and six grotesque heads or masks adorning a rich facade on which stands a three-storey oriel. The gable of the building decorated with scrolls and fins, is surmounted
Auguste Bartholdiqui's statue of a Cooper (1902) was commissioned by the Bourse aux Vins who had settled in the building in 1898.
The real culinary history of the House of the Heads begins in 1901 with the creation of the "restaurant des Ttes", directed by Gustave Ehretsmann then taken over by the Edel-Graff family. When his father died in 1929, Fritz Edel continued the business until 1980.
The House changes face again to take the family Rohfritsch who will invest in 1996 in the restoration of buildings and the addition of a hotel.)
tout Anna Aspnes.
The colors are gorgeous! Thank you for the journaling! The photos of the building are gorgeous! The history is even more fascinating!
Un joli design mettant en valeur l'architecture! Nicole, j'ai vraiment apprci de lire votre journal!

A lovely design highlighting the architecture! Nicole, I really enjoyed reading your journaling!

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