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ArtPlay Palette Hinge https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Hinge.html
ArtsyTransfers Hinge https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtsyTransfers-Hinge.html
Splatters No. 8
SpackleTextured No. 10

I liked the green papers and some of the green leaves, etc in APP HInge so I looked for a photo where only some of the leaves had turn color and there was still substantial green in the trees.


First I picked a paper with a green background and art that would help support my photo. I then used a FotoBlendz1 on my page placing it between some of the art on the page. I used Layer>Create Clipping Mask to attach my photo to one of the layers. I duplicated the photo and attached it to another layer. I used Edit>Fill to change the colors of the other layers of the mask.

I used two of the Splatter brushes to add a few more lines to the page. I also used a couple of Spackletexture brushes. I placed Artsy Transfer2 on the lower-left corner. The thread word Autumn went along the bottom of my picture to complete the enclosure of the picture. A word strip went over the thread of the word.

I hope that everything drawers your eye to the bridge in the photo.

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Anna Aspnes
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