

The Shattered Tree

  • Media owner trish6150
  • Date added
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I have to say I am not normally an abstract person, but when it comes to opening up a new kit of Anna Splatters I go berserk! I just love them.

I think Abstract painters say you have to be free and let your imagination run wild. Well this is certainly how I love to use these splatters.

I start with my 12 x 12 white page and litteraly through each of the splatters on the white canvas by just dragging them and letting drop where they fall.

Once I have them on the page I start to formulate an idea in my mind how I will create with them, so this is just a matter of moving each layer sometimes transforming them horizontally or vertically using - CTRL+T and then
right clicking my mouse and swapping from horizontal to vertical.

I knew I wanted to do something with a tree image I had captured on the weekend and manipulated on my iPad so this was my idea to create a "shattered tree"

Once I had all the layers in place for the black splatters, I grouped them together and clipped my image to them via - Layer - Create Clipping Mask (ALT+CTRL+G). I did then move my image around a bit and also ungrouped the black
stains and move a few slightly till I was satisfied with the result and then re-grouped them for ease of working with them.

The image needed something so I took 3 of the Spackled textures from AASPN_SpackleTexture 10 and placed them on their own layer underneath the grouped black splatters. One I duplicated and transformed it horizontally to get
the edges of the spackle looking like the branches of the tree.

Finally I placed a black fine line around the image so it would not get lost when loading up to social media etc - Layer - Stroke - Inside at 2pxl.


AASPN_Splatters8_1 - AASPN_Splatters8_12
Wow! So creative page! Love it!
Standing O...

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