Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;
Lengthen night and shorten day!
Every leaf speaks bliss to me,
Fluttering from the autumn tree...
~Emily Bronte
Artsy Transfers Hinge ** NEW in Store**
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APP_Hinge ** ON Offer in Store**
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FotoInspired Template Pack 2K_9
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Autumn WordART Mix No 5 ** ON Offer in Store**
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MultiMedia Leaves No 8 ** ON Offer in Store**
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A solid paper was the base then the FotoInspired Template was dragged on to it and resized.
Artsy Transfers were then clipped to the masks and p[laced to the sides of the template.
Pieces of MultiMedia Leaves were used to embellish the design
WordART words, transfers plus some quotes were added along with two photographs which were altered in the filter gallery.
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