

Delicious cook love

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ArtsyTransfers Delicious http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtsyTransfers-Delicious.html
ArtPlay Palette Delicious http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Delicious.html
KitchenUtensils No. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/KitchenUtensils-No.-1.html
All Anna Aspnes

I made a sepia colored photo from my photo and played with some Artistic Filters from Photoshop on it.
In a new document I placed the backgroundpaper and the photo. I made a selection of the little cooks and copied it on a new layer, so I could create some shadow and depth. I placed the frames. I gave the little cook a fork from the elements. I made a selection and stroked the fork with one pixel. I opened the frame, copied and rotated one and placed them. I placed the ArtsyTransfers under and over the photolayer. I used different Blendmodes. I recolored some a bit. I placed the brushes and colored them. I placed the WordArt and filled them with colors from the photo.
I merged the layers and did some sharpening and Dodge and Burn work.
love it all, but especially adore your coloring and those charming kids.

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Anna Aspnes
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