
Heather Prins

Natural Beauty

*NEW* from Anna Aspnes

ArtPlay Palette VieArtPlay Palette Vie
FotoBlendz Overlays No 16 FotoBlendz Overlays No 16
Life WordART Mix No 2 Life WordART Mix No 2
MultiMedia Branches No 14 MultiMedia Branches No 14

Process | I began with the artsy background paper. I merged two Fotoblendz Overlays together to create a clipping mask for my photo. After clipping my photo to the mask, I duplicated the photo changing the blending mode to soft light.Next I added a couple of brushes and changed their color to green.I placed the MM Branch and the shadowed word art to the right of the photo for balance.I added a transfer and a word transfer to create a bit more depth and completed the layout with my journaling.
Great photos of the bucks! Love the blending! Our yard this year has been deer haven. First they ate the tulips, then they moved onto the garden and corn and now they are eating the apples!

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Anna Aspnes
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Heather Prins
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