


  • Media owner donnagoar
  • Date added
Thank you for the new ColorChallenge and Annas new Life WordART Mix..I just might have a photo to go with EVERY word in the kit! I love Annas white Stitching, but this KrissKross has always been a fave! Love using a mix of old and new favorites!

Kits by Anna Aspnes
Life WordART Mix
KrissKross Overlays
AP Loved (WordLabels)
AP Daffodil (edge)
AP Cultivate (heart)
AP Radient (heart clip)
Love Painted Script
AP story (frame)
Handwritten Love
Inked Words Love

Page Process-
KrissKross Overlay was placed and frame and photo were rotated and resized to fit under the diagonal stitch

WordART and elements were placed. The adventures in love WordART was sectioned into three pieces using the rectangular marquee tool to separate the three words and to then place them as desired on the corner of the framea great way to fit WordART into your ART design!

The edge was pieced into place and recolored to pink..of course!

Shadows were added beneath the WordLabels using the Gaussian Blur method
Duplicate the WordLabel
Move your WordLabel copy below the original in the layers palette
Change the copy of the WordLabel to the color black
With the copy of the WordLabel selected in the layers palette go to Filters and select Blur/Gaussain Blur
Go back to layers and with the same copy of the WordLabel selected in the layers palette decrease opacity (I choose about 50%)
Next use your arrow keys to move the shadow out a bit from underneath your original WordLabel so you see a bit of shadow and depth.
You can also use Anna Style Shadows

Kiss..Keep It Simple Scrappers.
My new mottoa simple photo and a simple page will fill that desire in your soul to create.

thanks for looking.donna
Beautiful photo of this newly expanded family! Love the three little doodle hearts.
This criss cross stitching sets up the composition beautifully, love the photo hanging off the diagonal stitch line, perfect little pink touches!
Wonderful photo and a beautiful page. Love the little bits of pink and the writing.
Congrats! Your beautiful layout was just featured on Oscraps Instagram!

Follow us @ https://www.instagram.com/oscraps/
Donna, your exquisite design makes this heartwarming family photo extra special. Adore all the girly touches of pink! Congrats on the Oscraps Instagram feature!

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Anna Aspnes
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