
pam p

rogue brush

  • Media owner pam p
  • Date added
Ever notice how the numerous artsy choices that photoshop and Anna provide, can send you into the biggest experiment that ultimately has no ends or boundaries... that said....it was fun!

I used
DoubleMakerNarcissus papers
one image of a dandelion
multiple filters and blending modes
an Artsy paper from APP Meadow
A lovely story of mid-August told by colors, and I love the hint of a bright circle upper right.
Yes, I have experienced that wonderful, boundless adventure equipped with Anna products and PS...often takes me a different direction than originally planned! Looks like this was a fun artistic journey...amazingly beautiful results! Love the bits of lace and soft colors!
So lovely. Yes. I get lost in my wanderings and end up deleting layers till I find another direction to take.
I've gone down that route many time. Your experiment was fun and so well done.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
pam p
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