

AnnaLift 08/10/19 - Atypical Story

  • Media owner isDK
  • Date added
AnnaLift 08/10/19 - Atypical Story
https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showthread.php?t=38325 LIFTING: City Fun by caapmun https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=416410&title=city-fun&cat=1351

AK Vintage Summer MultiPack stain
ArtPlay Palette Evanescent Overlay
ArtPlay Palette Explore Brush
Axiom WordART Mix 1 Atypical
Notabilia WordART Mix 1 MetalWord


We left at 4 am for Hermit Pass and drove for an hour and a half. We got about a mile up the rough rocky trail. The transfer case popped out of gear twice and that scared us. A hike for help would be very long and hard and our backs hurt a bit. It was still dark when we turned around.
Thrills and chills. Even red Jeeps have changes in direction now and again. Love the deep dark!
Love the mood created and the red jeep! You definitely need the gears to go up and down the rocky trail.
Okay, I say this a lot, but this IS my favorite spread of yours. It's stunning and magnificent. Superb photo too. Thanks for playing along.
Gorgeous - Gorgeous - Gorgeous page!!! Love the colors, the photo, everything about is just stunning!
Love that little red jeep headed into the starry blue beyond! Fabulous title art and take on the lift, DK! Sounds like you made a wise choice to turn around.

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