My barn swallows had two broods this year. The nest is right outside my front door, so I would check on them several times a day. They were used to me, so I could get some good close photos by standing on a step-stool. Here's two babies waiting for a treat from mama or papa. Their two siblings must have been napping, because the missed the snack.
ArtPlay Palette Feuillemort
WatercolorFeathers No. 2
Process notes:
I used ArtsyPaper No. 2 as my base. I placed my photo and reversed masked in parts of the nest and the baby birds. Added several transfers from the kit on top of the nest to give it a more artsy look, varied the opacity depending on where it was. Brushed in a few watercolor feathers to outline the nest. Added the twig frame around one baby. Text was my final touch.
Thanks for looking.