

Home Grown

  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
ArtPlay Palette Grow Fresh https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Grow-Fresh.html
MultiMedia Summer No. 2 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/MultiMedia-Summer-No.-2.html
Fresh No. 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Go-Fresh-No.-1.html
Grow Fresh WordART No. 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Grow-Fresh-WordART-No.-1.html
Artsy Layered Template No. 201 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Artsy-Layered-Template-No.-201.html

Didn't know if I was going to get this posted as I have been sick. Feeling better today.
I looked at the name of this palette and the brushes, etc and I draw a blank. But then I go into my Lightroom catalog looking for key words like cows, food, buildings, etc. And I find some photos to work with.
Start with Artsy-Layered-Template-No 201. I was happy that the white mask and black mask where on their own layers and thus I could use them as masks. I but the quirky cow picture would fit on the white mask and the lady scarecrow would fit on the white. Then some produce photos for the frames. I made two copies of the cow picture and played with blending modes. I place Solid Paper three above the background because I thought the green worked with the photos but I also loved the cloud look on Solid Paper 1. I placed that above and played with the blend modes until some of the clouds showed through and I still had the green to go with the photos.

Next I looked at every text, stain, etc layer and decided it I wanted to keep. I added shades of green to most using Edit>fill. I replaced the stain on the right side with the paint brush from Grow Fresh 1 of the tomato using red for the color. I picked the green leaves for one of the elements and placed on the left side of the cow. I moved the red and white ribbon to the stem of the leaves and then erased part of the ribbon so the one of the leaves appeared to be above the ribbon. There was an are in the middle of the pictures that looked like trapped space to I added the word transfer and then the charms of the garden tools over the area. Next I placed the Multimedia Summer tomato under the masks in the corner. I like that the tomatoes formed a visual triangle. I selected the dress on the scarecrow and used Hue/Saturation to make it red rather than green. I thought it stood out better and the reds would lead the eye around the page.
I choose Home Grown from the word art for the title. I placed it so it formed a bridge between the photos and the brushed tomato. Lastly I did a little journal ling.

A simple but fun page.
Love snippets of Maine, especially the cow! We have more cows than people in my neck of the woods! Wonderful page!
Charming collection of your photos to go with APP Grow Fresh, Joan! A friend just returned from Maine and brought me Blueberry soap and a can of wild blueberries :)
Glad you are feeling better! As for the being "stuck," I do the same as you in that case...open my mind and enjoy the surprise. You've crafted an enjoyable summer story here, well done.
I'm glad you're feeling better. Beautiful page full of the possibilities of summer.

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Anna Aspnes
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