
AnnaLift 06/12/19 - 28/06/19

AnnaLift 06/12/19 - 28/06/19

Sainte-Ccile d'Albi, la plus grande cathdrale de brique au monde impose des allures de chteau fort
L'difice surprend par le contraste entre son allure extrieure austre de forteresse militaire
et la richesse picturale et sculpturale de son intrieur.
*Monument sans gal, elle affirme sa puissance travers un style typique du Sud-Ouest de la France,
le gothique mridional. Son style, unique, est renforc par sa dcoration intrieure.
Cit piscopale classe par lUNESCO. Deux sicles auront t ncessaires pour son dification, de 1282 1480.

Sainte-Ccile d'Albi, the largest brick cathedral in the world imposes the appearance of a castle
The building surprises with the contrast between its austere exterior military fortress
and the pictorial and sculptural richness of its interior.
* Unparalleled monument, it asserts its power through a typical style of South West France,
Southern Gothic. Its unique style is enhanced by its interior design.
Episcopal city classified by UNESCO. Two centuries will have been necessary for its construction, from 1282 to 1480.
tout Anna Aspnes photos 2016.
This is a beautiful site, beautifully portrayed, and I like the inclusion of the detailed photos!
Outstanding! Standing O https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showthread.php?p=612261&posted=1#post612261
Gorgeous blending and color palette! Love the glow. Congratulations on the Standing O!

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