
Good News

Good News

Quote: You do not need to always conceptualize, interpret or label everything that comes into your awareness. Eckhart Tolle

ArtPlay Palette PatriarchArtPlayPalettePatriarch
Newsprint No. 1NewsprintNo.1
eA Words No. 1eAWordsNo.1
MultiMedia Daisies No. 2MultiMediaDaisiesNo.2
Typewriters No. 1TypewritersNo.1
OrnateCuts No. 1OrnateCutsNo.1
WarmGlows No. 1WarmGlowsNo.1
PaperTextures No. 8WarmGlowsNo.1

Notes: Starting with solid paper 4 and arranging the png daisies, I built up the page from the bottom up underneath the flowers with the transfer and newsprint brushes. Creating a rectangle with the shape tool, I clipped the text paper to it and duplicating the set and repositioning.

Over the middle of of one of the daisies I used the Shape Tool to create a circle, clipping the newsprint paper to that also and using the bevel and emboss on the shape. Over the circle I added a button, resizing, duplicating and shadowing to cover the circle.

Adding the typewriter brush to the bottom left and the newsprint brush to the top left, I typed out the quote and framed it in the ornate cut frame. Somewhere during this process, the title was added and the glow over it. Finally, I decided I needed a paper texture which was blended to Linear Burn to make it pop.
Wow! Gorgeous page! So creative!
Standing O...
Oooooh. Love. And to expand a bit from the writings of Thomas Merton, he says there is just some stuff that you will never know. Amen to that!
This is so "delicious"! I love the dark background, and opaque white....I'm adding to my lift list!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
Date added
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