

Pont de Normandie/Anna Color chall

Anna Artsy Kardz Beach and Splash
Anna Routine frame
Anna Savor frame
Anna hand stitches
Sekada designs element fastener and seagulls
JMaddocks Man's World and Midnight Sky papers
amazing photos, fantastic blending and beautiful design.
congrats on the standing o.
Trs beau challenge, j'aime beaucoup vos photos, j'ai souvent pris ce pont, mais jamais photographi (je ne faisais pas de scrap l'poque... ) j'aime l'assemblage de vos photos.
I like perspective photos! The special frame bookings, colors. Congratulations on the StandingO!
Trs belle composition avec les cadres. Et j'aime le reste de la photo fondue dans le fond.
Flicitations pour le standing O
what a gorgeous bridge! I had to look this up and found it is the largest of it's kind. It's amazing to me how these bridges actually stay up. I love how you repeated the photo and let the spires drift up to the heavens. powerful

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Anna Aspnes
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