

Fairest Blossom

Ive come to believe we need to celebrate our wins and thats exactly what Im doing here. After starting a new diet/lifestyle last fall, just before Thanksgiving, Ive lost 25 LBS and Im patting myself on the back. After carrying around weight that made me feel gross for years, I had enough of it. The brief thought came into my head I should start after the holidays, but I had made up my mind to tackle the problem right then and there and nothing could change my mind. Yes, I cheated a little bit during the holidays, but got right back into the saddle without hesitation and Ive been on a healthy loosing streak ever since. Im down to a size 6 now and I still have a little ways to go and I know Ill make it and keep it off. My new lifestyle is very much sustainable and nothing could make me go back to eating like I used to. Havent felt this good in years and I am so grateful! :-D

Quote: Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. Henry Ward Beecher

AnnaRelease 2 May 2014AnnaRelease2May2014
ArtPlay Palette CultivateArtPlayPaltteCultivate
CultivateWordART No. 1CultivateWordARTNo.1
UrbanThreadz No. 3UrbanThreadzNo.3
WatercolorFlowers No. 1WatercolorFlowersNo.1

Additional Supplies:
PaperTextures No. 4PaperTexturesNo.4

Notes: I opened the photo and and did a very rough selection of myself and left clicked to layer via copy. I used Image>Adjustments>Threshold on the copy and placed it in a new 12x12 file. Using various brushes on their own layers from Cultivate and with the turquoise color from the palette, I clipped a copy of the photo to each layer, moving the brushes around until I got a look I wanted. Artsy paper 5 was brought in for the foundation and I blended the various brush layers and grouped them. I clipped a PS Pattern adjustment layer to the group.

Over and under the photo layers I stamped the watercolor brushes, again using colors from the palette. Just over the background an art stroke was placed. After bringing in the labels, I added the title and quote and used word art at the left edge of the paper. And overlay was also added in-between the photo grouping and Pattern adjustment layer. Another transfer was added to the right edge.

Finally, the flower and urban threads were added along with the paper textures.
Congrats on losing weight! That's great!
Gorgeous page! Love the little blending and colors!
Standing O...
Congratulations on your achievement !! I wish you more success in maintaining your new lifestyle! I really like this beautiful creative site!

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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