

Quiet Place - New Anna Color CHallenge

  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
ArtPlay MiniPalette Fruehling https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-MiniPalette-Fruehling.html free with any $20 purchase May 3 - 12th
ArtsyTransfers MiniFruehling https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtsyTransfers-MiniFruehling.html
ArtPlay Palette Home https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Home.html

I was either going to have to buckle down and do some house keeping or move out, I rather like this house so I buckled down to cleaning. That left me with less time to scrap so I created a rather simple page.

I started with solid paper 1 because I thought I could make it work with my picture. I then placed the photo on the bottom of the page. I changed to a darker color and added a mask on the mask I added a linear gradient . This coved up the edge that showed slightly.
Then I placed the circular dollie on the page but just off the corner. I brought the clover inside the inner circle but under the dollie. I and to mask away where the stem extended below the circle. Under the clover I added a circular artstroke but masked away the other side of this.

I then placed the pinkish paint overlay on the right side. I added the paper texture to the left side but again had to mask part of it way. I added the an wordart for my title and changed the blend mode to overlay. Then I added transfer 5 from APP Home changing the blend mode to darker and the opacity to 23%. I placed it so that there was a faint line that come from unter the dollie in approximately where the stem would have been to the wordart so as to link the two sides. I added paper texture 1 under the transfer to give the page a scruffy look and made a copy which I placed over the dollied and linked the layer. I added two layers from artsy transer 2 to the page one was a white copy which I placed under the artstroke and clover, the other was some splashed I placed near the wordart.

That was it.

I am reposting because I messed up when I tried to add to the new color challenge.
love the photo at the bottom of the page - make the sky seem to go on forever - like the way you did the doily and flower - beautiful!
J'aime cette photo dans le bas de votre page qui libre de l'espace blanc, beau traitement et beau challenge Joan.

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Anna Aspnes
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