

Time to ReCharge

Journaling: The Tesla charging stations adjacent a little grocery store in town with the melting snow on the mountains in the background, struck me in the moment how we need to recharge ourselves. Spring is when we come outside again in the northern climes. People smile more in the spring, like the weight of the dark days of winter is lifted off their shoulders and its time to come out of the cave and live again.

ArtPlay Palette NarcissusArtPlayPaletteNarcissus
ArtsyTransfers NarcissusArtsyTransfersNarcissus
Splatters No. 6
Linear FotoBlendz No. 2[url=https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Linear-FotoBlendz-No.-2.html]LinearFotoBlendzNo.2

PencilLines No. 1PencilLinesNo.1
TapedTextures No. 9TapedTexturesNo.9
PaperTextures No. 8PaperTexturesNo.8

Notes: Starting with solid paper 1, bringing in the photo and linear fotoblendz, I resized and placed on the page. I made the two clipping sets black and white. I typed out the title of the page.The foundation of the page was complete.

Using the pencil lines brush, I loosely framed the photo and brought in the splatter overlay above in the layers panel, rotating it. Next came the artsy transfer in the upper right corner, it reminds me of the sun coming out. Using the Shape Tool, I created the polaroid frame and clipped a copy of the photo to it and using a tape to tack it down.

In-between these layers I placed the frame from the kit and used a velum style on it and underneath I slipped the postage stamp. The splatters were added in white and a color from the kit. The branch and flower were added. And to finish the page I added the journaling and the word spring, using the Blend Ifs on the latter and putting the paper texture next to it.
Wonderful idea! Great color palette and love the design balance!
Love the symbolism of the charging stations. What a great idea and wonderful page!
Gorgeous page! So creative!
Standing O...
J'aime le design de cette trs belle page, une partie noir et blanc et l'autre en couleur avec le rappel des lments en couleurs. J'aime l'effet triangle par la branche.
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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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