

AnnaColor: Hidden

  • Media owner zlemon
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Sometimes it's difficult to know when to stop playing with your design. Sometimes I just have to resist adding that extra element or frame. That's what happened with this layout. I masked the photo, added some transfers and then I left it alone when a good friend called. I returned a few hours later and looked at it with fresh eyes and decided not to do anything more. It was tough not to mess with it, but I do really like the simplicity of this.

Photo by my talented friend Pattie.

ArtPlay Moira

ArtsyTransfers Moira

Process notes:
I used SolidPaper No. 4 as my base. I placed my photo and masked it into the background. I varied the opacity in certain areas to give it a more textured look. I opened several transfers and selected stains and brushes to frame the edges of the clipped photo to give it more of an artsy feel.

Thanks for looking.
Just perfect, Christy! I think anything else would have detracted from the stillness of the bird. A lovely view of Spring!
I use the fresh eyes approach a lot, leaving a page to sit overnight. I love it when I open it and love it :-) This is really lovely in it's simplicity and such a nice flow down to the bottom edge

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Anna Aspnes
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