ArtPlay Palette Sashay - On sale until April 5
Linear FotoBlendz No. 1 - On sale until April 5
Spring WordART Mix No. 1 - On sale until April 5
UrbanStitchez No. 10 On Sale April 3
Artsy Transfers Sashay ** NEW in STORE**
Photo I ran this favorite photo of my lovely flowering crab tree through the Topaz Simplify
Paper I added solid paper 2 to the page
Mask Added Linear Fotoblendz 1.3 to page and clipped my photo to it. I used a brush to add to the mask black paint so I got all the treed. Next I added a vector mask to the fotoblendz and with black paint I removed most of the background of the photo.
Artsy Transfer I placed Artsy transfer 3 behind the photo. I colored various layers of the transfer marching the blue, green, and yellow of the color challenge. I duplicated one of the transfer layers. One I colored blue for the sky and one I colored green for the grass. The green transfer I repositioned. Then I duplicated the whole transfer. One I placed on the right and one on the left. Lastly I grouped both transfers and added a vector mask to the group, with black I masked away a lot of the transfer leaving just enough to confine the three.
Shapes Using the rectangle shape tool, I made three squares which I raterized. I filled each square with one color. I then staggered the squares behind the photo. I added a vector mask to each square. I then Control clicked on the paper below and then selected the vector mask of the higher square. I filled the selection with 50% gray. If there were two papers below I did this to both both papers. Then using the Rectangle Marque tool I added some squared and rectangle of 50% gray to various vector mask. Next a added a small drop shadow to each square and then right clicked on the fx symbol and clicked on create new layer. This places the drop shadow on it's own layer. Now I Control Clicked on the square above the drop shadow, clicked on the drop shadow layer, clicked on Select and modified the selection by contracting 5 pixels. Then I tapped on the Backspace key. This removed the inner shadow. I did this to all three squares.
Element/wordart I placed Urban stitching and a word art on the paper. Done.