
Green Heron

Green Heron

Green Heron

ArtPlay Great Outdoors Dragonfly
ArtPlay Winter Sunrise Paper
Feuillemort FotoBlendz 1
MultiMedia Autumn 1

Green herons mainly eat small fish, frogs and aquatic arthropods, but may take any invertebrate or vertebrate prey they can catch, including such animals as leeches and mice.
They are intolerant of other birds when feeding and are not seen to forage in groups. They typically stand still on shore or in shallow water or perch upon branches and await prey.
Sometimes they drop food, insects, feathers, or other small objects on the water's surface to attract fish, making them one of the few known tool-using species.
Like many herons, this species is slow and methodical, patiently stalking small aquatic prey with movements so slow and measured that the animal virtually oozes closer to its victim millimeter by millimeter.
At parks and refuges with many visitors, they can become quite habituated to people and easy to approach.

Our photo of the day would have to be of the green heron. What a surprise to find him very near our feet! We had not seen him before and it was hard to imagine that he had a long neck which was just retracted.
What a delightful page. I like having a page to go back and read about a discovery. I believe I've seen this bird at a lake in San Jose, Great blended pic and I love the was the info is presented.
so you must be in Florida now ... I had no idea that they could pull their necks in --- the weather looks a little rough; hope is clears off for you so you can put on the cute swimsuit!
Quelle chance alors d'avoir pu le photographier. J'aime vos pages on apprend plein de choses.
Beautiful photo! We have a green heron that visits our pond at home, but I've never been able to capture a photo!
Fascinating journaling! When I saw your beautiful image, I thought he looked kind of compact. Love that bit of texture anchoring your superb photo!
Quelle chance de pouvoir prendre de telles photos, moi je ne suis pas trs doue... belle page nature .
You have certainly captured some very fine photos on your birding adventures. Love all you information--always something to learn from your pages be it about the subject matter or the clever way you assemble your pages.

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Anna Aspnes
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