
John Lennon

John Lennon

A funny thing happened at the post office this week. I needed stamps and saw the poster up for the new limited edition stamps and it was none other than John Lennon. Of course I wanted a sheet of those! And of course I wouldnt use them, just tuck them in with all the rest of the limited edition stamps Ive collected over the years. I was lucky enough to get the last sheet our post office had in stock! YIPPE! It was a good day. Of course I had to get your everyday stamps to actually use. I wasnt wearing my reading glasses, so I didnt quite see what I had chosen, except that it was a rose, because I couldnt read what was written on the stamp. The postal clerk pointed out to me my perfect pairing with the John Lennon stamp. I had chosen the Peace Rose. Funny, how the subconscious mind works. :-D I had to included it on this page.

ArtPlay Palette MelicArtPlayPaletteMelic
PaperTextures No. 10PaperTexturesNo.10
Melic WordART Mix No. 1MelicWordARTMixNo.1
MultiMedia Melic No. 1MultiMediaMelicNo.1
Postage Frames No. 1PostageFramesNo.1
ButtonThreadz No. 2ButtonThreadzNo.2
Music Notes No. 2MusicNotesNo.2
SkribblePeace No. 1SkribblePeaceNo.1

Notes: After scanning in the front and back of the John Lennon postage stamp sheet and the Peace Rose, I opened and new 12x12 file and used Solid Paper 1 as the background. I placed one vertical row of the stamp sheet at the left edge and butted up the back of the sheet to the row. The vertical stamps are blended to Linear Burn with a reduced opacity and the back of the sheet is blended to Multiply. I added a art stroke.

I brought in a couple of transfers and placed those at the right edge and blended the darker one to Linear Burn and left the lighter one on Normal. Then using a layer mask on the dark transfer, I punched out a couple of peace signs and the music notes. Using the new paper textures, I added it to the right edge of the vertical stamps, duplicated and moved it down to reach the bottom of the page. Another paper texture was used on the large photo.

Bringing in the postage stamp frames, I clipped the variegated stamps to each mask and duplicated and put the copies on Overlay, which made them pop more. Underneath I added the Peace Rose in another set of frames. I added the paper clip and again, with a layer mask, erased the part I didnt need.

Adding the heart from the MM Melic and clipped a word art transfer to it and blended. Underneath I placed the button and button thread. That finished the page.
Superb! Love the contrast between the stamps and the big photo!
Congrats with the standing O! So well deserved.
I love your story about the stamps and the general artistry of the whole page. Congrats on your Standing O!
Another beautiful work of art. Love the story of how this piece began and evolved. Love the colors and scribbles you added. Amazing!!

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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