

Bullseye and Cowboy Cal

  • Media owner marnie333
  • Date added
Thanks for the Challenge, Adryane!
Color Challenge Feb 15-28 2019

Clippety-clop went Bullseye through the living room,
over the sofa, and right onto the kitchen table--
where Cowboy Cal took a break to blow out
his four Birthday candles. They were instant
friends! November 12, 2018

Wish I could post video...Bullseye has hard, loud hooves and floppy legs. Once Cal took him out of the box, he immediately stood up and started prancing his new pal along the hard wood floors...noisy, but adorable!

ArtPlay Palette Archive
Tissue Textures 6
MultiMedia Documents 3
Adventure WordART Mix 1
Taped Textures 5
Naked TapeIT 2
12x12 Page FotoBlendz 9
Scriptease FotoBlendz 1 (retired, could substitute any clipping mask of your choice)

I almost always begin a layout with a photo or photos in mind. I thought this sepia photo with a cowboy theme would fit well with the challenge color palette. I placed photo and clipping mask on chosen background paper. Next I found three images from the
New York Public Library Digital Collections that are useable by the public and cited below. Most have citing information and some state you can use with no restrictions. Its important to attribute the source of another persons art, image, photo, or quote in our art and be aware of copyright limitations. I downloaded the 760px versions of the images and added color pencil sketch filter from the app, Artomaton, clipped them to masks, and placed on page. I merged the cowboy/horse image on the left with its clipping mask and added color burn blending mode to give it transparency and less visual weight balancing the strong color above it. I used just some text from the third image adding color burn blending mode.
I added tape texture, paint transfer, and fastener (color burn blending mode) to MM Documents layers which I layered under my focal photo. Finished with Word art and elements.

Merle Oberon and Gary Cooper in "The cowboy and the lady." Retrieved from http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47e2-fe10-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99

Pony Tracks, Written and Illustrated by Frederic Remington, Published by Harper & Brothers New York Retrieved from http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47dc-4867-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99

Cowboy Cavalier Retrieved from http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47df-f61d-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99
Love your poetic journaling and wonderful concept for this page. Cute photo of Cal :-)
So glad Cal has a new friend. Love how you've capture the story of a boy and his new toy.
trs beau dfi Marnie, j'aime le mlange cow boy et votre petit " bonhomme " .

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Anna Aspnes
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