

When Its Coolth

Im into the monochromatic lately and thats okay. I am loving this color! A little tongue in cheek layout.

ArtsyTransfers Coolth - Coming to the store Jan. 16
ArtPlay Palette CoolthArtPlayPaletteCoolth
Coolth FotoBlendz No. 1CoolthFotoBlendzNo.1
Coolth WordART Mix No. 1CoolthWordARTNo.1
FotoInspired Masks No. 5FotoInspiredMasksNo.5
Days2Month No. 1Days2MonthNo.1
Snowy FotoBlendz No. 3SnowyFotoBlendzNo.3

Notes: Bringing in the psd Coolth FotoBlendz and photo, I modified the main mask in the grouping with a layer mask and one of the Coolth brushes to fit the photo better. I duplicated the photo to more times, clipping to stains and texture of the mask. I should also say that I didnt use every layer of the FotoBlendz. I grouped these layers.

Over these layers I placed 4 of the FotoInspired masks, resizing them and clipping a copy of the photo to each mask. Using the blend modes from the Contrast group, I blend each mask. I grouped these layers. I added a tiny drop shadow to each mask and turned down the opacity of the Coolth FotoBlendz group. This gave a much better contrast.

Then I brought in several bits and pieces of two ArtsyTransfers placing them underneath the photo, running from top to bottom. Over the bottom transfer I added a Coolth brush in white.

I added the title and months, blending a part of a transfer into the word art, and underneath I placed the snow from the psd Snowy FotoBlendz. That finished the page.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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