

When Its Coolth

Im into the monochromatic lately and thats okay. I am loving this color! A little tongue in cheek layout.

ArtsyTransfers Coolth - Coming to the store Jan. 16
ArtPlay Palette CoolthArtPlayPaletteCoolth
Coolth FotoBlendz No. 1CoolthFotoBlendzNo.1
Coolth WordART Mix No. 1CoolthWordARTNo.1
FotoInspired Masks No. 5FotoInspiredMasksNo.5
Days2Month No. 1Days2MonthNo.1
Snowy FotoBlendz No. 3SnowyFotoBlendzNo.3

Notes: Bringing in the psd Coolth FotoBlendz and photo, I modified the main mask in the grouping with a layer mask and one of the Coolth brushes to fit the photo better. I duplicated the photo to more times, clipping to stains and texture of the mask. I should also say that I didnt use every layer of the FotoBlendz. I grouped these layers.

Over these layers I placed 4 of the FotoInspired masks, resizing them and clipping a copy of the photo to each mask. Using the blend modes from the Contrast group, I blend each mask. I grouped these layers. I added a tiny drop shadow to each mask and turned down the opacity of the Coolth FotoBlendz group. This gave a much better contrast.

Then I brought in several bits and pieces of two ArtsyTransfers placing them underneath the photo, running from top to bottom. Over the bottom transfer I added a Coolth brush in white.

I added the title and months, blending a part of a transfer into the word art, and underneath I placed the snow from the psd Snowy FotoBlendz. That finished the page.
I love the vertical design and how you used opacity levels on the photo to give it interest.
The Snowy FB really reinforces the stance of the person in your photo! Superb depiction of Winter months! Fun title, too!

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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