They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
~ Binyon
APP_Evanish ( Paper)
Product Name
APP_Hygge (overlays, paint, transfer, buttons)
Product Name
APP_Archive (Transfer,)
Product Name
APP_Feuillemort (Transfer)
Product Name
APP_Poppy (brad, word transfer, brush, red element)
Product Name
Multimedia Documents No 3
Product Name
WarmGlows No 2
Product Name
LightLeaks No 1
Product Name
Using a solid Paper on a 12x12 document as my canvas, I dragged my black and white photograph into position then turned off the layer while I prepared the background.
I created layers of transfers, overlays and Multimedia elements on my page turning the photograph on and off to get the positioning right.
I made my photograph active and using the inverted mask method brushed back in the areas I wanted so that it fitted onto the layered background I added a vivid light blending mode. The image was duplicated twice adding a soft light and overlay blending modes.
Then I added a light leak over the image using a screen blending mode. A Warm glow on a hard light blending mode was placed on the right bottom edge of the image to add more light.
Elements and stitching from Multimedia documents and APP Poppy were placed.
Finally I added a title and a quote.
Thanks for looking