
City memories

City memories

Downtown photography in the city is always on my list to do. A few of my photos among this layout were taken from the car window as we passed by busy street corners.


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ArtPlay MiniPalette Harken https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-MiniPalette-Harken.html
AASPN ScriptTease Travel No. 2_1A https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ScriptTease-Travel-No.-2.html
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AASPN Memories WordART Mix No. 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Memories-WordART-Mix-No.-1.html

A new canvas was opened and a color fill was made for the background layer. My photos were opened and placed on the canvas and color burn blend modes were applied. AT Harken psd files were drug onto the canvas, altering blend modes, placing layers that fit the photos and some layers removed to give an urban feel. ArchiTextures3_7 png file was placed, sized and given a color fill with 37% opacity. ScriptTease Travel 2_1A was placed on divide blend mode. Filmstrip png was placed and adjusted to soft light. Palette brushes, art strokes, elements, and Memories WordART finished the page.

TFL and comments
you have an amazing eye --- just shot that while driving in a car ... beautiful. The colors on the sides feel like the beating heart of the city. Wonderful feel

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Anna Aspnes
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