

Gratitude - Color Challenge

Quote: When you spend time worrying, youre simply using your imagination to create things you dont want. Shannon L. Adler

ArtPlay Palette ImaginationArtPayPatteImagination
SkinnyLined Overlays No. 2SkinnyLinedOverlaysNo2
Blessings WordART No. 2BlessingsWordARTNo.2
PaperTextures No. 3PaperTexturesNo.3
Photo: Adobe Stock

Notes: Artsy paper 3 as the foundation, I brought in the photo on which I used a Gradient Map and used the colors of the challenge and clipped it to a brush from the kit. I duplicated the photo and put it on Overlay blend mode. Underneath these layers there is a transfer and blended to Overlay. On the transfer I used a Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer to bring the color more into the color challenge. I traced her shoulders with a PS brush and added the bow and brad.

Bringing in the word art, coloring it to white and duplicating it and recoloring the bottom laye again recoloring to a challenge color and moving it a little which gave it a bit of a gesso look.

Over these layers I added the frame and put a stroke outline one it. The quote was typed out and the paper texture was stamped and the title was typed out with a couple of fonts. The flower from the kit was added under the quote, recolored with an Hue/Saturation layer and blended to Color Burn.

I added brushes from the kit, recolored and blended and to finish it off I added the lined overlay just above the background paper.
Vos pages sont toujours trs intressantes, et je les examine avec beaucoup d'attention, vous avez beaucoup de talent.

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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