

Great Day

AnnaRelease 29 August 2014AnnaRelease29August2014

ArtPlay Palette VivacityArtPlayPaletteVivacity
ScriptTease Celebrate Overlays No. 1ScriptTeaseCelebrateOverlaysNo.1
Life WordART No. 8LifeWordARTNo.8/url]

Additional Supplies:
Spackle Textured No 9[url=https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Spackle-Textured-No.9.htmlSpackleTexturedNo.9[/url]
SandScratched No. 2[url=https://www.oscraps.com/shop/SandScratched-No.-2.html]SandScratchedNo.2

WarmGlows No. 7WarmGlowsNo.7
Number FotoBlendz No. 1TapedTexturesNo.10
PaperTextures No. 7PaperTexturesNo.7
ButtonThreadz No. 2buttonThreadzNo.2
Photos: MorgueFile and Pixabay

Notes: Bringing in the bridge photo over artsy paper 1 and blending to Color Burn. With the layer mask and using the Gradient Tool fading out the bottom of the photo. On the left half of the page Is the multilayered fotoblendz with the city photo clipped to it. The mask is blended to Linear Burn and the photo was duplicated with the copy blended to Hard Light. Over these layers is the numbered fotoblendz and the coffee photo was clipped to it. The mask was left on Normal blend mode, but he photo was duplicated and blended into the first copy with Soft Light.

In-between these layers in the layers panel are the glows and the frames. The glows were blended and opacity adjusted. I placed the couple and underneath I used the spackle textures, blended to Linear Burn and an art stroke in the mix. I used the sand scratched brush with a layer mask to scratch out the numbered fotoblendz mask with a layer mask. I also used a tape over the photo and the paper texture was added over the bridge.

I added the title and typed the short sentence, then added the dimensionals on the page to finish up.
wow! I saw this on Pinterest and had to come find it in the gallery. Stunning.
Une page ralise avec brio, vous avez un grand savoir faire, j'admire !!!! et beaucoup de crativit, bravo.
With a short sentence, you tell a story. Love the bridge and your extraction. Wonderful!
this is just wonderful, tells a beautiful story so artistically!I love how much is going on, yet the story is so simple :-)

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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